Our On-Demand Course Has Officially Launched
Get the essential tools, methods, and technical know-how to design and maintain home-scale rainwater harvesting systems.
by Michelle Avis and Prof Peter J Coombes
Water is a crucial resource increasingly under stress. Yet rainfall, even in arid climates, can make up a sizable portion of any home, acreage, or farm’s water requirements if harvested and utilized with care. The key is high-quality site-specific design and sensible maintenance.
As many of you may know by now, I have been working closely with Michelle Avis, the co-author of Essential Rainwater Harvesting and co-founder of Verge Permaculture for a course on rainwater harvesting. We are proud to announce the launch of the On-Demand version of this course, so that anyone who is interested in building resilience around rainwater can learn the latest and greatest at their own pace.
For those unfamiliar with Verge Permaculture, they are a globally recognized and award-winning design, consulting, and education hub offering online and real-time programs to design and/or create integrated, regenerative systems for shelter, energy, waste, and of course, water.
Together, we will be delivering a course based off of the most advanced research about domestic rainwater harvesting systems available today. With my pioneering work being thoroughly tested on the heat-seared landmass of Australia, and the tremendous benefits we have uncovered, coupled with Michelle’s extensive experience of cold climate design, we are thrilled to roll out an on demand rainwater harvesting course that truly has global applications.
In our first sneak-a-peek video, Michelle and I talk about how our collaboration came to life: just click the link below.
If you’re keen to learn more about the course, you can learn more here: On Demand Rainwater Harvesting Course