A selection of projects
CHIEF SCIENTIST, OFFICE OF LIVING VICTORIAAppointed as Chief Scientist in 2012 located at the Office of Living Victoria. Contributed to guiding the development of the Melbourne’s Water Future strategy for submission to Cabinet, the Living Ballarat project and the Business Plan for the Office of Living Victoria. |
Melbourne, Vic |
LIVING MELBOURNE, LIVING VICTORIAAn alternative vision of what is possible for Greater Melbourne’s water future, part of the Victorian State Government’s Living Melbourne, Living Victoria policy. A forensic analysis of the region’s underlying biophysical systems and the division of Greater Melbourne into many spatial zones. This allowed comparison of alternatives (including ‘business as usual’) and the identification of different opportunities across zones. |
Melbourne, VIC |
NORTH EAST VICTORIA ADAPTING TO A LOW WATER FUTUREAn integrated systems investigation of the entire water cycle in the North East of Victoria, including consideration of potential alternatives to the traditional provision of water cycle services and innovative solutions for sewage and sullage in small towns. The project included analysis of the entire region, with specific case studies used to highlight the various challenges and opportunities across the region and recommendations for new policies. |
North East Victoria |
SYDNEY WATER ALTERNATIVE WATER FUTUREDeveloped an understanding of how Greater Sydney’s water systems will respond to the implementation of alternative water cycle management strategies and examining Sydney Water’s role in this process. Subsequently assisting Sydney Water in developing a strategic and sustainable vision for the city’s water services. |
Sydney, NSW |
GREATER SPRINGFIELD ALTERNATIVE WATER STRATEGYDeveloping an alternative water strategy for Greater Springfield, including assessing the technical, commercial, and regulatory aspects of providing alternative water services to the town. |
Springfield, QLD |
ARARAT PRISON UPGRADEDelivery of an alternative water solution that is capable of servicing the expansion of Ararat prison, preventing flooding on the low lying site and not creating additional strain on the town’s already stressed water supply and wastewater networks. |
Ararat, VIC |
SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND ALTERNATIVE WATER STRATEGYAnalysis of water cycle management strategies and policy development for the Sunshine Coast region; providing reliable, fit for purpose water services that are cost effective, whilst avoiding or minimising adverse environmental impacts. |
Sunshine Coast, QLD |
GENERIC GUIDELINES FOR AN ECO-EFFICIENT APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF WATER INFRASTRUCTUREDevelopment of water cycle management strategies and policies for UNESCAP to facilitate more sustainable management of water resources throughout the Asia Pacific region. |
International |
EGATEAnalysis of water cycle management strategies and policy development for E-Gate, for the Major Projects Victoria for a high profile inner city sustainable residential precinct. |
North Melbourne, VIC |
WERRIBEE EMPLOYMENT PRECINCTAnalysis of water cycle management strategies and policy development in Werribee, for the Department of Planning and Community Development for a high profile employment precinct. |
Werribee, VIC |
ARMSTRONG CREEK EAST PRECINCTIntegrated water cycle management plan and development of policy for a new growth area including a flood study and stormwater management plans for 2,500 ha new growth area located in Armstrong Creek, including inputs into developer contribution plans. |
Geelong, VIC |
DONCASTER HILL PROJECTSustainable urban water cycle management strategy for the Doncaster Hill redevelopment. |
Doncaster, VIC |
CENTROC WATER STRATEGYFeasibility study into water supply security (regional drought proofing) for the Central NSW Regional Organisation of Councils (CENTROC). |
Regional NSW |
ARMSTRONG CREEKAnalysis of water cycle management strategies and policy development at the Armstrong Creek growth corridor for City of Geelong. |
Geelong, VIC |
VICTORIAN DESALINATION PROJECTEnvironment, groundwater and surface water management for Wonthaggi Desalination Plant. |
Wonthaggi, VIC |
PARKVILLE NEUROSCIENCE BUILDINGParkville neuroscience development at the University of Melbourne – optimize the project to meet requirements for EMI-5 Greenstar criteria. |
Melbourne, VIC |
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AT GIDGEGANNUPIntegrated systems analysis to examine the water cycle management options for the Gidgegannup townsite including procurement of MBR wastewater treatment plant and implementation of an alternative water management scheme and business model |
Gidgegannup, WA |
MAB DOCKLANDS DEVELOPMENTMAB Docklands – Design of integrated stormwater management and water conservation strategy for New Quay precinct. |
Docklands, VIC |
DECENTRALISED WATER SERVICES FOR GREATER MELBOURNEAnalysis of the impact of decentralised water management solutions on the performance of headworks, stormwater catchment management and trunk infrastructure supplying Melbourne. |
Melbourne, VIC |
FYANSFORD GREENIntegrated Water Cycle Management and WSUD for Fyansford Green Development. Incorporating hydraulic analysis of both Moorabool and Barwon rivers. |
Geelong, VIC |
IWCM FOR THE TOWN OF HILL ENDDevelopment of an Integrated Water Management Strategy for the town of Hill End for the NSW Government. |
Hill End, NSW |
REGIONAL PLANNING FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND WSUD DEVELOPMENTDevelopment of a stormwater management plan (including analysis of flood risk, provision of infrastructure and WSUD strategy in the Fern Bay development for Winton Property Group). |
Port Stephens, NSW |
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AT HOPETOUNHopetoun alternative sustainable infrastructure study for LandCorp in Western Australia. |
WA Government |
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN SE QLDIntegrated water cycle management concept planning, modeling and analysis for the Yarrabilba town in SE Queensland for Delfin Lendlease. |
Developer |
WSUD DEVELOPMENT AT MERNDADevelopment of a stormwater management plan and WSUD strategy in The Groves (now called Renascent Rise) project for Eldersie Property Group. |
Developer/Local Government |
PROBLEM SOLVING AT HILL ENDDevelopment of an Integrated Water Management Strategy for the town of Hill End for the NSW Government. This includes resolving management of water resources and sewage contamination in the area. |
NSW Government |
GOVERNMENT POLICYProvision of strategic, policy and technical advice on rainwater harvesting and wastewater reuse for the Canadian Ministry of Mortgages and Housing. |
Canadian Government |
GOVERNMENT POLICYAnalysis of the impacts of alternative water strategies on management of regional water supply systems across NSW for Department of Utilities, Energy and Sustainability. |
NSW Government |
ASSET MANAGEMENTAnalysis of the impact of deteriorating stormwater infrastructure assets on levels of service provided to the community and economic considerations for local government. Completed for Newcastle City Council as a research project. |
Local Government |
STRATEGIC PLANNINGImpact of water efficient appliances, rainwater tanks and desalination on the security of regional water resources at the NSW Central Coast for CCEN. |
Environmental group |
WSUD DEVELOPMENTDevelopment of stormwater management plan, WSUD strategy and analysis of flood risks at the Cameron Park Project for Yarraman Developments. |
Developer/Local Government |
DEVELOPMENT OF POLICYEvaluation of the costs and benefits of demand management solutions in the Greater Sydney region for the PENGOS on the 4th Sydney Water project. |
Environmental group |
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL WATER RESOURCESAnalysis of the impacts of combining the Central Coast and Hunter regional water supply schemes for the Gosford Wyong joint water authority. |
Local Government |
REGIONAL WATER STRATEGYStrategic stormwater management planning study for the Pimpama – Coomera Water Futures Masterplan for WBM and Gold Coast Water. |
Local Government |
WSUD POLICY AND CAPACITY BUILDINGAnalysis of Stormwater management issues and design of the “Water Smart Model Planning Provisions” with Ian Donovan for Hunter Councils. Leader and co-developer of the regional capacity building program. |
Local Government |
ANALYSIS OF WATER DEMANDS IN THE SYDNEY REGIONCreation of a spatially disaggregated monthly demand model for the Greater Sydney for the Sydney Catchment Authority. |
NSW Government |