
Big Data Surfaces Underpin Systems Analysis

Big Data Surfaces Underpin Systems Analysis

Using surfaces of Big Data to Underpin Continuous Simulation in Systems Analysis
Following our presentation at WSUD 2018 & Hydropolis 2018, our peer reviewed paper can be downloaded below.  This paper outlines some of the methods in the systems framework that was designed to explore the multiple scale impacts of water, energy, economic and environmental decisions using a bottom up approach to spatial systems analysis.

Big Data History Reveals Value of Distributed Solutions

Big Data History Reveals Value of Distributed Solutions

Following our presentation at WSUD 2018 & Hydropolis 2018, please find attached our peer reviewed paper and presentation. Historical demographic, water resources and economic “big” data was examined and included in “bottom up” systems analysis to understand the benefits of distributed solutions for household water efficiency and rainwater harvesting in Australian capital city regions. We use a long history of data from government departments, agencies, utilities and private industry to discover the whole of system and society value of distributed solutions.

This investigation aims to contribute to knowledge about this key question for water sensitive urban design – local actions provide whole of society benefits but what are the benefits and how do these benefits manifest across scales?

Sustainable House History

Sustainable House History

Presentation by Peter J Coombes at WSUD 2018 & Hydropolis 2018 at 14:00 on Tuesday 13 February 2018, at Crown Towers Perth Western Australia. This paper provides a narrative of insights and experience derived from two decades of monitoring of a sustainable house in the inner city suburb of Carrington in New South Wales. Water efficient appliances, rainwater harvesting, solar panels and battery storage reduced demands for grid water and energy, and provided resources to the grid. Use of rainwater harvesting and edible rain gardens reduced stormwater runoff from the property which has potential impacts to mitigate flooding and improve waterway health.

Challenging Ideas

Challenging Ideas

Challenging Ideas and New Opportunities. Presentation at the Future Water Association Conference “Shining the Light of the Possible, Exploring the Radical” by Peter Coombes & Michael Barry at Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Wednesday 5 December at 3 pm.

Independent Residential Rainwater Harvesting Guide

Independent Residential Rainwater Harvesting Guide

Independent Residential Rainwater Harvesting Guide. This guideline is provided by  Urban Water Cycle Solutions (UWCS) and the Rainwater Harvesting Association of Australia (RHAA) for above ground rainwater harvesting systems connected to residential dwellings in urban areas. This independent design specification is a living document that will be regularly updated in response to evidence, discussions and independent science. The user is encouraged to provide comments and feedback to this webpage for inclusion in the ongoing review process.

Systems Analysis for Policy and Strategy

Systems Analysis for Policy and Strategy

Systems frameworks of big data for analysis of policy and strategy. Systems science processes that incorporate macroeconomic analysis of water reforms, and reveal trade-offs in water cycle projects.

Peter J Coombes and Michael Barry. Presentation at the CIWEM seminar at 6 pm on 18 July 2017 at 106-109 Saffron Hill, Farrington, London. EC1N 8QS

Greater Melbourne Alternative Water Plan

Greater Melbourne Alternative Water Plan

Urban Water Cycle Solutions partnered with Kingspan and Thirsty Country to create an alternative water plan for Greater Melbourne. We are pleased to provide an overview of phase 1 of the plan in this Article. We have identified over $16 billion in cumulative savings using systems analysis and historical evidence from Big Data.
